Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2013
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Back to the moment when I was born

15 days to 19 years ago, I was given a birth, exactly on Thursday, 27 October 1994. I was in a family that has had 3 daughters already. However, I was the first child for my mother, but the fourth for my father. Maybe, you guys wonder how it could be. Yeah, sure. My daddy married with my mother when he had 3 children, because his first wife, my mother's sister, had gone away.I know it was so difficult for my mom, but I can see how God worked through her. Jesus gave her a strength that can’t breakthrough her frightened and doubt. I praised God for this. As I realize this, I can’t stop sharing my love to her, because I can see God through her. I really love her so much. Just want you to know, when I still know God but not experienced Him, I felt a little disappointed about my family, why my mom had to marry with a man who had already 3 children, but now as I can see this through God’s eyes, I believe there is something good that God has planned.
It was tough when I was given a birth. At that time, my mom got high blood pressure and it made her can’t give any effort to let me out of her womb to the world. The only way was by vacuum. Maybe you do not know what it is; its shape was like a vacuum cleaner.
This kind of tool had to be entered to my mother’s womb and patch to my head. Doctor had said, it gave 2 situation for me, they were I would be a stupid girl then, more than stupid maybe idiot, and the second one, I would be an excellent one, but it was so rare and none can guarantee this. You know guys what my parents feel at that time, especially my father, it was a hard time for him to give a decision. And they agreed to use vacuum, because only that way I can be saved.

I really hurt my mom, because an object with an iron content had to be entered to his womb to help me out. Finally, after sometime, I saw the world. But, actually I was not given to my mom immediately. I was made in a box for somedays. As phsycological side, it was not good though because a baby had to given to her mom to fulfill her needed, but not with me. I cannot notice my parents faces, but I believe their smiles were so big.
Nevertheless, as I grew up, my mother over took care about me, she really had a relationship with God and pray about me night by night. She told me that she said to God, “Jesus, if my daughter will grow up and become an idiot girl, you can take her now, because I can’t stand to see her next future.” This seemed like a prayer of unbeliever one, but I can see that even in that kind of situation, when she felt like disappointed to God, as I told before I am her first daughter, so she just like give up everything to God. However, she did not pray only, but also give me everything, her time, her energy, her love, her money to buy vitamin and anything to make me grow normally and my brain especially. I thank God again,I believe this was God’s way so my mother can build a good relationship with Him and make her strong to face all kind of situation.
My mother did not let me to fall even once, because when I fall I will get a serious situation with my brain, and of course she did not want it at all. So she took care for me so much.That is the story when I was given a birth. I see God’s grace in my family, I believe it was me. Because, when they took care of me, they can have time together to keep me save. They prayed together about my future. And I praise God for my baby memory. I love to tell this so everyone can see God’s love in my life through this bad condition. People can see how God strengthen my mom a lot. This is my story of baby period of me. So guys, let’s check yours and see how God works in your baby period. God loves you and it never fails. Thank you.. 

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